Thursday, August 13, 2020

Keep Your Self Safe

 In Te Maunga we have been learning about how to keep yourself safe online. We learned that we need to make sure we don’t accept people we don’t know online. We also learned that we should not tell anyone our address because they can look it up on google or somewhere where they can get the exact address and go to your house and do something bad to your house and you. We all have to tell our parents or someone if they keep requesting access to your social media. You have to be 13 years old to have Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Charlize its Anyah from next door in Te Ngahere. I so love your creativity on your DLO, it's nice and colorful. Did you know every year in Te Ngahere we do a reminder about cybersmart because we are young kids that need to know these things and we all have social media. Did you learn anything about cybersmart or did you already know everything?
