Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Check Out This Great Wacky Wednesday Post

 Kia ora bloggers every week we have something fun to do and this week we did Wacky Wednesday. On Tuesday afternoon I went straight home  to find something to wear, I found a colourful wig, a green top and skirt and some black glasses. The top and skirt was too big for me but my nan sewed it up so it would fit me well. Then on Wednesday I went to school all dressed up and saw most of the school dressed up as well, they all looked so cool it made me so happy.  I saw my friends dressed up so I went and hung out with them and went around to have a look at all the classrooms.I think Nga Motu looked the best they had chairs flipped over, gum boots on the poles of the tables and even lots of things on the wall that don't belong there. My teachers dressed up as our house groups (Pohutukawa, Karaka, Kowhai and Rimu    ) they all looked so pretty. My favourite part was seeing everyone dressed up. I think the people dressed up the best was Jade-R, Angela and Jaelyn-Marie, they were fairies. 

Have you done a wacky wednesday and dressed up?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How To Attribute Images Properly

 Kia ora the last few weeks we have been doing Attributing Images. We had to learn how to make sure we are allowed to use all the images we use. During this experience I have learnt how to see if we are allowed to use the photos we want to use. I can see myself using this in the future by making sure I click on tools and then usage rights and make sure I choose creative commons licences so we are allowed to use the photos for example flowers. If you don’t use this technique you have to pay thousands of dollars if they sue you or pay  to use other peoples photos. What I think I need to work on is remember this every single time I go to use any pictures that I want to use. 

Do you know how to Attribute Images?

Friday, October 29, 2021

The Obstacle PAL Day

 Kia ora on the last day of school we did a PAL fun day which is where we have lots of small short games that all the other classes go around in a rotation in our house groups which are Pohutukawa, Rimu, Karaka and Kowhai. My two friends and I got to coach the obstacle course which we made up. We had skipping, hurdles, catching the balls, going through the tunnels and criss crossing to the end. The thing I enjoyed the most was watching everyone complete everything properly. The highlight of my day was being with my friends while teaching everyone what to. The challenges I had experienced was everyone doing some opposite things to what we had taught but we just let them do what they think they had to do. If we did this again I would probably pick a different game to teach. 

Have you ever done PAL (power activity leader) at your school?

Friday, October 1, 2021

Manaiakalani Cybersmart Challenge: Scams and Phishing.

Kia ora this week we did a Manaiakalani Cybersmart challenge: Scams and Phishing. We had a presentation with little emails and pop ups and we had to say if it is fake or legit and why we think that. There was one that said download free music and I could instantly tell that it was fake because in the top  left corner there was a padlock with a line through it which means it is not secure. It also had a log in with your Google account and you had to put your email address and your password. Sometimes  if you are lucky you just tap the account you would like to sign in with and it takes you straight in. I would also not do any of that because they can easily see your password to get in to your email address which is really dangerous. For my first time learning about this I found that if there sometimes can be a line through the padlock and I have never seen that before. I also learnt that there can be pop ups and I wouldn’t know what to do if I didn’t do this.  

Are you part of  Manaiakalani Cybersmart challenges? 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Title: Fun Online Class

 Kia ora this week we got to pick what we wanted to blog about so I picked to write about how I like online learning.  Every morning apart from the weekends we go on a google meet to talk with the teachers and ask questions about our school learning I don’t really have any questions to ask because they make it quite clear to understand. We also have a google meet in the afternoon to talk about what we have done for the day but I always forget to go on it because I get up to other things like looking after my baby cousin. Our school work can be easy and challenging like the maths escape room was really challenging and also our work can be fun like the Daffodil Day creations and for that we had to make flowers and put them on our window sill because it was raining and we couldn’t put them on our mail box otherwise they would brake. 

Do you enjoy online learning? Do you like lockdown? 

Title: Skateboard Passion Project

 This week for distance learning we had to write down what we wanted to learn during lockdown and I chose to learn how to do tricks on my skateboard because I am quite good but can’t do any cool tricks like other skaters can. I also love to skate when I can because it might rain or I might of hurt myself. I was  learning how to jump on my board which is called a popcorn I thought it was really easy and got it after a few tries and now I am fixing up on my ollies. My two passions are skateboarding and dancing and I am really good at both. When I am doing my skateboard tricks I do them inside on the carpet so I can get used to them and get more confident to do it on concrete. 

Do you enjoy skateboarding? What is your favorite trick? 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Being In Amazing Queenstown In Lockdown.

 Kia ora last week we went to Queenstown for a holiday. We had to drive to Auckland then fly to Queenstown (I was scared). Once we got to Queenstown we checked into our apartment and got ready to go out  for dinner because we were hungry (we ended  up just getting dominos for dinner). The next day we met up with our friends and got to go to game over, ice skating and ice bumper boats. When we did ice skating I badly injured my knee and couldn’t walk on it (It still is quite sore). At about 6pm on Tuesday we got the announcement we will be going into lockdown until Friday the end of this week. We weren't really panicked because we didn’t want to go home just yet. That same night we went to Kmart to get some games so we wouldn’t get bored and I got a dairy to write what I get up to every single day in lockdown and I did.  But then on Thursday Jacinda said we had 48 hours to get to where we live so that same day we got the announcement we booked our flight again for 5.20pm. So then we started to pack up everything so we are all ready to leave (sadly) and we ended back up in Paihia at 11.45pm at night just in time. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

I Am Hope

  Kia ora this week we had two guys had come into Te Ngahere, their names were Tai and Trent. Tai and Trent were from I Am Hope which was pretty amazing to see them in real life because I have only heard about them on social media. Tai came to talk to us about mental health and a story about him when he was growing up. Trent is Tai’s bodyguard, he has to make sure Tai is safe and ok. My favorite part of the story was when he said he could be in a room with his dad but he would only have a conversation with him in his head. So Tai didn’t know how to communicate with people until he was 18 years old (WOW). The bit that stood out for me was the part where he said that his dad wasn’t really his real dad and his family had been lying to him his whole life. What I have learnt from this is that out there in the world who say they are ok on the outside but not in the inside. I also learnt that we all have inner critics in our heads (inner critic is a voice inside our heads that say bad things about people surrounding us.) 

Have you ever heard about I Am Hope? 

Have they ever came to your school before?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Check Out This Great Science Fair Reflection

 Kia ora these past few weeks we have been doing science fair. We had to choose our groups that we wanted to work with and I chose Poet and Azure. It was kind of hard to pick an experiment but we went with does the five second rule affect your health.  What I have learnt from doing this is all the different types of variables such as a controlled  variable which is something that you will be taking control of during your experiment. The Independent variable is the things you will be changing when doing the experiment and for ours we changed the food, the last variable is  the dependent variable and you got to say how your going to measure your experiment we measured the bacteria on the swabs. I also learnt about fair testing and what it means, is that all your tests are the same and fair. What we found difficult was our hypothesis and variables because Poet and I were in the pit and didn't know what to do but in the end we got it done. What I am going to do next time  we do science fair is choose a different group and a different experiment. The hoe that my group and I used were Tu Maia and Kaha (being strong and Resilience) because we were in the pit a lot and didn't give up even though we wanted to. 

Have you ever been in the pit when something is really hard?

Monday, August 2, 2021

Sharing my knowledge on Winning Dots

 Kia ora this week we started maths called winning dots. We had to gather room 1 data and room 2 data to make a dot plot graph. We also had to make a DLO to explain what we did and saying each true and false question from the worksheet. I was confused about what the word range meant but now I know that “a range of number” is when you take the highest number and lowest number to find the difference and I thought that the range meant how far you threw it. In my DLO I got mixed up on the true or false questions because it was hard to remember if it was true or false. Something I could of made better in my DLO and what I am going to do next time is showing the heading with each slide that I have done for example I can create a dot plot from data with a picture of my dot plot and room 1s dot plot picture.  Also show the true and false question with how I solved it. 

Have you ever done this activity before?

Friday, July 2, 2021

Awesome Experience At Bay College Science Roadshow

 Kia ora this week we started science. We even got to go to Bay of Islands College Science Roadshow to have an awesome  experience of what we might do for our science fair. We had to watch 2 shows, one at the beginning when we first arrive and one at the end before we leave. The first show was about the different gases such as: carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen. From the first show I learnt that if you squeeze orange skin it can pop a balloon. I also learnt that gases take up more room than liquids. My favorite exhibit was when you picked something that shows how long it takes to burn off energy when you have food/snacks. That was my favorite exhibit because it was very interesting and fun to learn about those type of things. For fair testing I learnt that when you move something or don’t give clear instructions it can do bad for your experiment. Moving something different every time if called a variable. 

Have you been to a science roadshow before? 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Challenging Great Marble Challenge

What we did: 

Kia ora last week we did a great marble challenge. We had to build a ramp that

will be appropriate for a marble to go down. Once we built our ramp we had to

test it and modify if we needed to. The most challenging part of this was getting

the marble to stop at 1100mm because we kept getting on one side or the other

instead of right on 1100 mm, but we did get a few times though. The  easiest part

of this was building the ramp and the hardest part was getting it to to stop at exactly

1100 mm. 


For the competition we had two containers with the group that will be testing and

the other container had the ramp that the testers would use. We also had a sheet of

brown paper with the points on it, there were 1 point, 2, 3 and 5 was the highest and

5 was exactly 1100mm. At the end we announced the winners and they got there

prizes. In 4th place was Tiiria, Mikaila and Ana, in 3rd place was Wairua and

Marlon, 2nd place was Jaelyn-Marie and Kahsius and lucky first in 1st place

was Dale and Dezray.

Have you ever done this before? 

Terrific Tips To Help You With Science

 Kia ora last week we started science and to do since we had to follow the scientific method. We were learning to do this because we have a science fair coming up and to learn how to make an infographic. We made a google drawing explaining all of the steps to do science correctly. In future I could probably use this when I go to university. I think I did well by putting all the sentences into my own words, but I think if we do this next time I am possibly going to add more detail to make it sound more interesting.

Do you like science??

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Challenging Mosaic Art

 Kia ora this week we started this thing called Mosaic art. We were learning to do this because soon we are going to have QR codes showing the animal we were researching about and they will be on pictures. I learnt how to make a animal using shapes and polyline to create an awesome affect. I think I did well by making my shapes look like the animal. I chose a Red Pandas because pandas are my favorite animal. We first got to pick a animal or anime character and then put it on a google drawing and by using polyline make a small triangle with  the colours of  the animal. Next time I am going to take my time to really get an idea of my animal. 

Have you ever made Mosaic art?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Fun Day Out Of School

 Kia ora last week the year six’s went with  Project Island Song to Otehei Bay. We were learning how Project Island Song keeps pest away. 

We had to be at school at around  8.20am and be down at the wharf at 8.30am. When we got down to the wharf we met some members of Project Island Song. Some of us had jobs; there were health and safety which meant they had to say everyone's name before they hopped on the boat and give everyone a squirt of hand sanitizer. Next was biosecurity and there job was to have a shoe brush to clean your shoe and to pat your bag down to make sure there were no weed seeds, ants and pests in our bag. There were also construction so they had to bring the parts of the rats traps on and off the boat because we were  making rat traps later on. The last job was planting and they had to bring the plants on and off the boat and carry the gardening gloves. 

When we were on the boat we had a little karkia and the captain went over the safety rules before we headed out to the islands. We got a floating classroom booklet with lots of things to do in it. Some of us got to go on the bow of the boat for a little bit and then we swapped with the other people. Our first stop was Motorua where we heard the bird song it was amazing. On the way to the island we saw lots of birds and got to tick them off in our book.  When we got to the island we had some morning tea, after morning tea we got split into groups my group was called super seeds, because we were doing planting first. We walked up big hills and then got into groups of three and planted our plants, then we walked back. When we got back we had lunch and made our rat traps.

 This was really fun because I learnt lots of things, it was hard planting the plants but in the future I will know how to plant  plants. 


Have you ever been to Urupukapuka island before? 

Monday, May 31, 2021

Fun Pick A Path

 Kia ora this week in Te Ngahere we moved into our classroom again and if we weren't helping we had to catch up on work we needed to finish. I was up to date so I got to be creative and pick something that I wanted to do. I made a pick a path which is where you have a question and yes or no to  see if you get the question right. First I made a google slide and named it Charlize - pick a path. After that I started to think of my questions and add them in with the yes or no slides. For the yes and no slides I just added a emoji that related to the yes and no and crosses or  ticks.  Once I added the extra details I was done but I only did 5 questions because I didn’t want to spent for ever doing it. I think it was really easy, but hard when I didn’t know what questions to add but I just thought of a subject that we recently did and that was smart relationships. For when I do it next time I am probably going to add more slides and different emojis. 

Have you ever made a pick a path? 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Fun PE Rotation

 Kia ora this week in Te Ngahere we did our PE rotation. We got in our house groups I am in pohutukawa we do it with another class called Te Maunga. We do 4 different activities for the 4 house groups and we rotate every Monday and Thursday. Today my group did touch I really liked it because I had lots of fun and knew what I had to do. The first thing that we did was run to the end of the field and back to get us warmed up and all ready. The next thing that we did was learn how to pass correctly so we got into three even teams lined up with each other and ran with the ball to get in front and pass in a diagonal line to your buddies. We then did defending so there were 2 people opposite the 3 groups and the 3 teams had to pass to each other to get a try  but the two people had to try and get the people before they got a goal. We did the same again but with 3 defenders and 2 tries  this time. It was pretty fun. Lucky last we played a game of touch it was really difficult because I didn’t quite understand what to do but I still participated. I quite liked Touch because it was challenging and fun at the same time, it was hard to get a try when there were defenders and in future I am going to learn how to get a try. 

Do you play touch?

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Challenging Epro8

 Kia ora in Te Ngahere we did another Epro8 challenge, it was called stem bridges. We got to choose our groups that we wanted to work with my group was Tiiria, Logan and Cahlay. We first watched a video about three different types of bridges suspension, cable stayed and truss. Truss is used with triangles, suspension is made with a big cable connected to big poles and cable stayed bridge is made with 2 big poles on each side with cables reaching into the middle and on the other side with one cable reaching out to keep it from falling. Next we got our supplies to make the bridges, we got ice block crafting sticks, thin little pole stick things, rubber bands and string we got to be creative and do what we think that bridge looks like. We then got to pick which bridge we wanted to do my group decided with truss bridge for our first one. Our other bridge was the suspension one. I think my group did well at all doing something on the bridge, but in future I think we can all do better at communicating with each other. 

Have you ever made any type of bridge?

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Fantastic Mothers Day

 On Sunday the 9th of May it was Mothers Day. My Nan and I went to the shop (countdown) to get my mum a mothers day gift. I bought her a bottle of wine (pinot gris) and I made her a card with a glass of wine and it said it’s your time to wine. I gave it to her on Monday because she had to work on Sunday, we had to stay up at my nans house. I gave it to her she loved it, she read the card and thought about it and then she got the joke and laughed. I also bought my dad something even though it was mothers day. I bought him a waterproof speaker to put in the shower because he likes listening to music in the shower. I also buy my mum something even though it’s Fathers Day.  

How was your mothers day?

Amazing Fractions Fun

 Last week in Te Ngahere we did a pizza problem. We were learning how to use a range of strategies to solve problems using fractions. We had to figure out how many seats were in the restaurant. Our fraction was ¾ so first we drew our restaurant and split it into 4 because we knew that the bottom number of a fraction is how many you split it into. Next we coloured in 3 because three quarters of the seats were taken then we were left with ¼ which equaled 6 so we did 6+6+6+6=24, and our answer was 24 so there were 24 seats in the whole restaurant. 

Are you good at fractions? 

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fun EPro8 Challenge

This week in Te Ngahere we did an Epro8 challenge. Epro8 is lots of hard and challenging maths to help you communicate with new people. One of the challenges we did this week was castle siege. We had to get into groups of three or four that didn’t include your social friends. My group was Cahaly, Amber, Mikaria and I. We had to build a catapult that shoots out a ping pong ball that can fly at least 3 meters before touching the ground. We got 30 rubber bands, 30 bamboo sticks, 1 ping pong ball, 1 electrical tape, 1 roll of string, 2 a4 pieces of paper, 1 a3 piece of paper and 1 pair of scissors. We learnt about two types of energy. Kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy is where the energy gets let out and moves and potential energy is where stays stored somewhere. What we found challenging was trying to get catapult to stay up by itself. My group did well at all asking questions, In the future  I am  going to work on discussing with my group and to make a plan before doing anything.   I think my group was really good at communicating because we all got a little turn.

Have you made a catapult before?

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Easy and Hard Task Master

 In Te Ngahere we were learning how to follow directions. We got a sheet of paper with a whole lot of directions on it that we had to follow. We were doing this to see if we can follow directions. The first question was read everything carefully before doing anything. I read question 1 and thought it meant to read the sentence carefully before you draw or write anything, but it actually meant read all twenty three questions before doing anything. I got up to question twenty and then the teacher stopped us to come on to the floor to go through a few questions together. We read question 1 and 23 with the teacher and we read sentence 23 it said now that you have finished reading everything carefully, do only sentence one and two! Then draw quietly on the back of this paper while you wait for everyone else to finish. It was funny because everyone said I AM THE LEADER IN FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS. I felt good when I got the piece of paper and felt good, but when I read sentence 23 I was like I can’t read things carefully. We were all like wow we don’t know how to read it carefully. In the future I am going to make sure I read things carefully.

Do you always read things CAREFULLY?

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Most Interesting Thing I Have Ever learnt

A few weeks ago we started a DLO for Te Reo Moari. We were learning to pronounce Te Reo Moari words properly. We used Education Perfect, it is a website where you can learn different languages but we learnt about Te Reo Moari. We had to do the Moari alphabet, place names and greetings with a screencastify. I learnt how to pronounce things properly. I think I did pretty good at place names but in the future I am going to pronounce bigger and more difficult words. 

Are you good at Moari? 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Fantastic Fun Smart Surfing

 This week we have been learning about smart surfing. We had to search it up on the internet. We had to learn about keywords to help us search for things easier on Google.

I learnt that if you type up: what do short tailed bats eat it takes all the information that includes what and gives that information to me so you have  to break it down into keywords like short tailed bats diet because diet is a keyword like habitat. This was quite easy just I got stuck on the last slide. I got stuck because I didn’t quite understand. 

Do you know any keywords that relate? 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Brillant Coastal Seas Film

In Te Ngahere we have been doing work around coastal seas. We watched a coastal seas film on netflix. It was called Our Planet. It was phenomenal. We had to get at least 10  facts to put on our DLO’s. Here are some interesting facts: Today there are 20 million more sharks then there was a decade ago, In coastal seas jellyfish are taking over waters that were once dominated by fish. The Bottlenose dolphins make a mud circle around their prey. The dolphins  jump up to eat the flying fish that jump into their mouths. There were some facts in there I have never heard of before. I think it was pretty hard to remember what they said in the film but when I had my facts it was easy to put them on to a DLO. 

Have you ever watched Our Planet? 


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Walk To Delicious Greens

 On Tuesday we went for a walk to Greens for Shivam’s birthday on Saturday but we celebrated it on Tuesday. We went to the Greens because his parents owned the restaurant so we got the food for free. The best bit was the food, we got a tray each with butter chicken, rice and naan bread and it tasted so good. We also got to choose either Coke or Sprite so I picked Coke. I felt so special and lucky that we got to go to the most delicious Indian restaurant in town. We acknowledged Shivam by giving him a card. To say thank you we sung a few waiata. We were so loud people across the road could here us. At the end they gave us all a big easter eggs to say thanks for coming and happy easter.

Do you like butter chicken?

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fantastic Fun Maths

In Te Ngahere we have been doing Pangarau (maths). We got put into groups my group was the green tick.

We were learning to tell the difference between subtraction and addition for word problems.  I think the best strategy for addition is place value partitioning or equal additions.

I used them to help me and it made it much easier for me.

Also with subtraction I would personally use jumping the line because it made it so much easier for me then using place value. 

I have also been learning jumping the number the line and equal additions and I just remembered place value partitioning from last year.

I tried to do place value for subtraction but I got stuck because I couldn’t take 6 away from 3. 

What way do you think is best for subtraction and addition? 



Friday, March 26, 2021

Interesting Easy Maths

In Te Ngahere we have been doing equal additions.

We had to also make a DLO and screencastify so we can help other people learn about it. 

I found it really hard to do equal additions at first becauseI didn’t really get it but then when I kept doing it, it made it easier for me. 

Next time I am going to keep doing lots of practice because

that’s what I did this time to make it easier for me. 

Do you know how to do equal additions?

Here is the link below:


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Interesting Ngahere

 On Thursday we went for a bush walk in our Ngahere. We had to research about what animal we might or might not see there. My group researched about a short tailed bat. We went down Paihia School road and at the end was a walking track and we went for walk. We also got told to leave it how we found it. We saw so much cool and interesting things like, Fantails, ferns also silver ferns, lots of decomposed things, very tiny fish, black trees and ect, we also saw a big spider on our way back. I think when we went it was very interesting, pretty and cool. I learnt about lots of names for different types of ferns such as leatherleaf fern. 

Have you been for a bush walk before? 

Some Work I Absolutely Love

In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Team Building. We are doing Team Building to help us

collaborate and discuss with our learning groups. My group was Boston and Angus. We had a piece of

paper and our teacher drew things on hers and hung it outside. There was one drawer and two walkers.

The walkers had to go out and memorise  something on the piece of paper and tell the drawer but we

couldn't touch the paper. The drawers had to draw what the walkers said to do.  I only did this once and

it was my first time because I was away last time they did it. When I had my hands behind my back it

made it easy for me not to touch the paper but Angus and I looked like woodpeckers. For me it made it

hard for me to memorise and explain to Boston exactly what the drawing was. The challenging bit was

not to touch the paper and to explain. 

Have you done Team Building before?

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Stunning Food Web That Will Help You With Your Learning

 These past two weeks we have been learning about food chains and food webs. In our food webs we had to show what that animal eats. The teachers food web was different to mine because she had different coloured arrows, lots more arrows and pointing to what that animal eats. The arrows on the food web are pointing to what they eat. So if the possum eats the Kereru  the arrow will be pointing at the Kereru to the possum. 

I think food webs are pretty fun and easy because I knew what to do, next time I will probably do more arrows and photos. 

Have you ever learnt about a food web or a food chain before?

Friday, March 12, 2021

Crazy Fun Measurement

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning about measurement. We were learning about measurement to help us improve with it. So now I know that if there is 50cm it is 500mm. I made a DLO to show what to do when you are measuring something.

I enjoyed learning about measurement so I get better at it. The hardest bit was to get the right answer. Next time I will know more things about it. 

Have you done measurement before? Do you think measurement is fun? 

The Insane Lockdown

 In the past two weekend’s I was meant to stay with my dad for three days. The day we were meant to go home Auckland went into lockdown so we had stay longer until we got more notice.  My mum came down to Auckland just before lockdown and we were getting bored so we decided we wanted to stay with my mum and her friend for the rest of lockdown. I was soooo bored all we did was watch Netflix and get uber eats. We tried to come home but then the whole of Whangarei got evacuated because of the tsunami. So we made it to Silverdale and decided to come back to Auckland and stay there for three more nights because my brother was sick and we didn't want to have trouble at the borders. Also none of us wanted to come home. 

Have you ever been in lockdown before? 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Things You Need To Know About Kawa Of Care

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Kawa of care. Kawa of care is when you take care of your chromebook. Three really important key things of kawa of care is that when you are leaving the house you should remember to put your chromebook in a safe or locked place to keep it from getting stolen or damaged. Also when you shut your chromebook you should logout of your chromebook, so no one can get in to your chromebook. Lucky last when you first get your chromebook you get to choose your password or you are given one. You have to make sure that you remember it and you don't tell anyone. Because someone can easily hack into your account and delete all of your work. 

Do you do the kawa of care? Do you know what kawa of care is? Have you broke the kawa of care before? I enjoyed making a comic and learning new things. In my opinion I don't think any of it was hard. Next time I might do a screencastify explaining what do and what not to do.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Check Out This Great Symmetry ArtWork

In Te Ngahere we did symmetry we got some ideas to help us. We had to get two pieces of paper and cut them so we had squares. We also had to cut one of the triangles out. Then we write our names in block or bubble letters. We then outlined it with vivid and taped it to our squares. Then we cut it and then put it to the window and traced over it and flipped it every time we did a different triangle. We outlined with vivid again also in our letters and then we did our background and we were done.

Have you ever done symmetry art before? Do you think art is cool or fun?

I think symmetry is very fun and sore on my hand. The hardest bit was to 

Flip it every time we did a different triangle. I don’t know what i will do 

Different next time maybe use bubble letters and different colours. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Mind Blowing Facts About Roy Lichtenstein and His Famous Pop Art

 In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Roy Lichtenstein and his famous pop art. 

Here are some  facts about him;  He was born in 1923s in America. He got married on the 1st of November.  He died on the 29 September 1997 when he was 73. He loved two things comics and science. He put both of them together and made pop art. Lichtenstein made sculptures too. Lichtenstein is famous for his use of cartoon strips from american comic books which were very very popular in the 1950s. Roy Lichtenstein is a very famous artist. Lichtenstein was criticized for using very basic colours.  Lichtenstein used this dotty strategy to build colour and texture like a comic book

I predict in my drawing I am going to be using the ben day dots pattern and a few colours. 

Have you heard of Roy Lichtenstein before? Have you done pop art before?